Friday, April 25, 2008

One More Sleep!

DH gets back tomorrow, thank God. Although he was home over the weekend, he’s either been in Halifax (last week) or in Toronto (this week) during the weekdays, leaving Iain, the four legged critters and I to fend for ourselves. In general, we do fairly well. I attend regular baby programs with Iain and managed to get together with girlfriends and their children each week. I get a bit lonely for adult conversation in the evenings but tend to make up for it by being fairly productive (cleaning, sewing, untangling yarn or reading). DH and I learned early in our fifteen year relationship that we simply must hear each other’s voice every day. Between email and the telephone, we are now in contact several times a day. That’s all great but it just doesn’t make up for the times when Daddy is home!

Now I’ve vented – thank you – and we have only one more sleep left before Daddy is home. I can’t wait to see the look on Iain’s face!

In knitting news, I must thank you for your positive vibes because, this is what happened to my large tangle.

When a friend of mine saw the tangle these were in earlier this week, her comment was "I’d never have the patience to do that [untangle the mess]." I just smiled. She did not realise that it was impatience that was the fuel I was working with. I’m very impatient to have Iain’s sweater finished before he grows out of it, if he hasn’t already.

Despite appearances, these yarn cakes are the same weight. Well, as ‘same’ as my kitchen scale allows. I have enough yarn to not worry about them being a little off. One was wound using Chase’s sock bag as an assistant (I do not have a swift) and the other wound freely from the kitchen scale bowl. Therefore, one is a little looser than the other. I think I can live with the end result.

You think I’d be casting on and re-starting sleeve number one tonight, eh? Yes, I should. However, I’m just too darn tired! Perhaps Iain will let me in the morning while he naps. In preparation for DH’s arrival around lunchtime, I already have soup made and in the refrigerator to be re-heated tomorrow. Carrot and herb biscuits are also ready (wet still separated from dry) to be made up for lunch. I figure this halo deserves a little knitting time!

1 comment:

Lydee said...

hope everything works out and you get some knitting time in this morning!